For the sake of simplicity, the questions were answered by authors. However, the answers also apply to publishers who represent authors.
for Kindle eBooks
The entry itself is free. Thus, in addition to our own search for current offers, we are also informed about your offers and can add them to our daily selection if required. Likewise, we will send your deal for free to those users who have subscribed to you as the author.
If you choose to pay a small amount, your book deal will be guaranteed to be included in our daily book selection, which we send out to thousands of registered users every day.
If you’d like to have your book deals posted in our selection and sent out to all our users, we’ll do it for a small fee, which will be shown to you after you submit the book deal.
Payment is made in our own point currency, the BookPoints. Depending on the likelihood that we would post your book anyway, we offer three price categories:
- Price category 1 (100): If there is a chance of over 60% that we would post your book anyway, you can increase your chances to 100% for a minimum contribution of 100.
- Price category 2 (375-675): If the odds are between 10% and 60%, you’re certainly in our range for between 375 and 675.
- Price category 3 (850-1700): If we do not currently post your book (under 10%), you will be in price category 3. For 850 to 1700 you will still be in our selection.
100 BookPoints = € 1.00 = $ 1.02 = £ 0.85
Depending on the country you offer your campaign for (, or, prices will vary as they are adapted to our reach and demand in each country.
That is possible up to a certain contingent. These actions are highlighted as “sponsored” entries and always cost the price of price category 3 for the following days.
Since the majority of our selection should be new book actions, the option of posting additional days from a reached limit is no longer selectable.
Yes. These also land in price category 3, are marked as “sponsored” and there is only a certain quota available for such advertising spaces.
There are many new book promotions on Amazon every day, so much of it needs to be assigned to price category 2 or 3. Here are some factors to consider when deciding on price categories:
- The same book has been posted recently
- A book by the same author has been posted some time ago
- Despite deal relatively high book price unlike other offers
- Low percentage discount
- Low number of reviews or not so good average rating
- Currently many other book deals available
Nevertheless, we also offer fair prices for inclusion in our selection for books currently in price category 2 or 3.
Tip: If you hover over the question mark icon next to the price category in the book you have entered, you’ll get more information about the main reasons why your book does not end up in a cheaper price category.
Around 75% of users who sign up for the newsletter have chosen to receive book deals of all genres. The remaining 25% only offers from certain genres.
So you can assume that about 85% (+/- 5% depending on the genre) of newsletter subscribers receives your offer. That would be approx. Depending on the country:
- Newsletter containing book deals for 7220 users
- Newsletter containing book deals for 15320 users
- Newsletter containing book deals for 8940 users
However, the actual reach can be higher, because in addition, the daily selection is also spread on social media and many people directly visit our page, without being signed up for the newsletter.
KindofBook users can subscribe to authors if they want to be informed about their new book deals. If we discover a price deal by the author, or if you enter it yourself into our system, subscribers will receive a separate email containing only an indication of your deal.
These emails will be sent out free of charge, so it’s always worth communicating your promotions, even if you do not wish to be included in our selection for a fee.
Since sending new book promotions to your subscribers is always free, it makes sense to motivate users to subscribe to KindofBook. The easiest way to do this is to recruit new members for KindofBook using a personalized link. If new users sign up for your newsletter via your link, they automatically subscribe to you as an author, unless they cancel it later.
Once your book has been included in the selection, you will find a personalized link to your book promotion in our selection on the “My Deal Announcements” page. This link contains the tag tagauthor= and your author number. Users who sign up with us via such a link have automatically subscribed to you as an author and will be kept informed about your book deals.
Once you have been included in our daily selection, the “My Deal Announcements” page will display a link that you can share and direct your fans to your book deal on our site. As a result, a cookie is set in the user’s internet browser, so that when he sign up to our site, he has already subscribed to you as an author. Since he was directed by you to us, we assume that he is a fan of you as an author.
Therefore, it is only permitted to distribute your personalized link on sites related to you as an author, for example in your social media or on your website.
When someone visits our site through your personalized link, a so-called cookie is stored in the user’s internet browser for 30 days. If he signs up at KindofBook within this time, you’re considered an advertiser.
We ask you to indicate the promotion price at the selected date as well as the original price correctly and to change this information on our site if your plans change. Furthermore, it is forbidden to enter eBook deals of foreign authors or authors that you do not care for.
Should we find that pricing information on the given date is incorrect, another attempt will be made the following day. If this also remains unsuccessful, the BookPoints, which one used for the entry of the book action, are non-refundable. With repeated misstatements, there is also the possibility of a lock.
If you’re sure the ASIN number you entered matches your Kindle eBook on Amazon, try these steps:
- Enter the ASIN number again
- reload the page
- use another internet browser
- Empty the cache of the browser
- use a different internet connection
- deactivate your firewall (maybe the Amazon integration is blocked)
- try again in a few hours
If none of this works, contact support with ASIN, date of deal, promotional price and original price.
for all book formats
KindofBook offers a platform on which you as an author, or as a publisher or operator of a book page, can offer advertising space. So you can recommend other books in your newsletter, on your social media pages or on your website and make money with every click. The earned money can in turn be invested in advertising your own book, or you can make a payout.
Alternatively, if you do not want to advertise for other authors, you can make a deposit to get promotions.
KindofBook bietet eine Plattform, auf der du als Autor, oder auch als Verleger oder Betreiber einer Buchseite, Werbeplätze anbieten kannst. Du kannst also andere Bücher in deinem Newsletter, auf deinen Social-Media-Seiten oder deiner Webseite empfehlen und mit jedem Klick Geld verdienen. Das verdiente Geld kann wiederum in Werbung für das eigene Buch investiert werden, oder du lässt es dir auszahlen.
Wenn du selbst keine Werbung für andere Autoren anbieten möchtest, kannst du alternativ auch eine Einzahlung durchführen, um Werbung schalten zu lassen.
Advertisers (authors) may offer one or more of the following ways to promote a book:
- Newsletter: The advertising provider integrates the book recommendation into the email of a newsletter broadcast. Whether the recommendation is an independent email or part of a collection of messages is up to him.
- Social Media: Your book recommendation will be posted on one or more social media pages of the author. Which pages in specific, you will find out in the respective promotional offer.
- Website: Authors may also offer to promote you in any way on their website. For example, in form of a blog post, a banner, or anything particular. In what particular form however the provider will indicate this in the offer description.
First, enter the book you want to advertise on this page.
Then you can choose from this list of promotional offers. Choose authors who have assigned to similar genres, because that increases the chances of an approval and thus you also reach your target group better.
Each promotional offer includes a calendar that shows you when there are still free advertising spots. Choose such a day and enter your book.
Then it is time to wait, if the author accepts or rejects the request.
For each book you want to promote, you’ll provide at least one link, such as a sales page for your book. You pay 25 BookPoints ($ 0.26 / £ 0.21) per click on such a link.
As the reach of the authors varies, the number of clicks varies according to the advertising offer. However, for each offer, you can find estimates of the maximum number of clicks that have been generated based on previous completed campaigns. For providers who have not yet completed many orders, this information is based on average values and the size of the newsletter, the number of fans of the social media pages or the number of website visitors. This information may therefore still be inaccurate with new providers and you should accept that the actual number of clicks can be well below (in some cases over) the maximum estimated number.
In order to make an inquiry, it is necessary to have enough BookPoints to cover the estimated maximum clicks. This amount will be covered and will continue to decrease during the term. At the end of the campaign, you only pay for each click that is actually scored and the rest of the amount will be available to you again.
If your request is accepted, the author will start promoting your book at the chosen date using the given advertising options. Each click will be billed from your BookPoints account the following day, and the covered amount will be reduced continuously.
If no click has been made for seven days, the advertising campaign ends and no further BookPoints will be paid for it.
This happens quite quickly with advertising options such as newsletters or social media, as usually only in the first few days clicks occur after the book recommendation has been sent or posted. If someone offers banner ads or a blog post on their website, users may click for longer.
After 3 months a campaign ends in each case, even if at times clicks are still generated.
If you have made a request, the advertiser has 48 hours to respond. During this time, you can not withdraw your request. If you have not received a reply within 48 hours, you are free to wait or cancel the request. If you cancel the request, you will receive the covered BookPoints and can use them for another advertising order.
Then you will also get back your BookPoints and are able to invest them in other promotional offers.
If you link to sales pages (such as Amazon) for a book, you will not be able to attach an affiliate or referral code to the link. The reason for this is that users need to be directed to your sales page through our website in order to count clicks correctly. Running a variety of affiliate codes from a single URL is not allowed on many sites, so we may only use our own code. In return, we keep our operator fee low.
Multiple clicks from a single user are charged only once. If an author advertises more than one of your specified links and a user clicks on several, this is also counted only once. We use different techniques to eliminate multiple or invalid clicks.
Yes. Other authors merely submit a request. You can decide if the book suits your readership and if you refuse the request with or without a reason.
Promote the books of accepted requests using your advertised advertising options: in an email of a newsletter broadcast, on your social media pages or on your website.
You are free to use the description text of the book, to shorten it or to omit it. Likewise, you can decide if you use the cover of the book, display prices and how many of the links you use. However, it is important that you include at least one of the links and the forwarding to this link in any case requires a definite click of a user.
If the author has additional notes, please accept the request only if you intend to accept them.
You earn 15 BookPoints ($ 0.15 / £ 0.13) per click on one of the built-in advertising links. These can be re-invested in advertising for your books or be paid out.
If you have not completed any or only a few orders, the maximum clicks are estimated roughly based on your information about newsletter subscribers, fans on social media sites and website visitors. After a few completed orders, the estimates are then based exclusively on the results of previous orders.
The maximum clicks are already estimated so that they are exceeded only in rare cases. Should this still be the case and the client still has BookPoints in his account, the promotion will continue according to plan. Should he no longer have BookPoints in his account, you will receive an email notification from us and you are free to stop advertising for this book.
If, after completing a few jobs, you still want to add advertising options that would greatly affect the number of clicks you’d expect, we recommend that you create a new promotional proposal so that it’s reassessed.
For test purposes, you can click on the links on any number of devices, but only before the start date of the campaign. From the first day of advertising, however, it is strictly forbidden to generate clicks on new devices. Only with your previously used devices, it is still allowed, as these clicks are not counted.
We try to track down unjustified generated clicks, to block users and to reclaim money already paid out.
For applications via newsletters or social media, clicks usually only appear in the first few days after the sending or posting. If no more clicks are generated for seven days, the order will be terminated and you will no longer receive BookPoints for any further clicks.
When you do an advertising through your website, it is possible that you will generate clicks over a longer period of time. For example, if you advertise using banner ads, you should indicate in your description how long you are going to display it. The term of an order can, if at least one click per week is generated, be a maximum of 3 months. For blog articles, you should consider to still have them available after completing the job.
It is important for the advertising-seeking author to get an answer quickly and reliably, as every request they make requires BookPoints to cover the campaign, so they may not be able to submit further requests. If an author has not received an answer after 48 hours, he can withdraw the request, which will affect your response rate. So always try to respond within 48 hours to keep your response rate as 100% as possible. Whether a request is answered positively or negatively does not affect the response rate.
You will receive an email from us with each new request. So make sure you’ve added our email address to your email address book, so that the emails do not end up in spam: info [at] kindofbook [dot] com
It all depends on whether you bundle several advertising options as a package or you want to let the authors choose whether they want to advertise, for example, only by newsletter or only by social media. You can also offer both a bundled promotional offer, as well as several individual offers.
Since KindofBook is represented in the USA, Great Britain and Germany, and therefore exists for 3 different currencies, the following exchange rate was set:
100 BookPoints = 1 €
We chose the static exchange rate for the euro as its value lies roughly between dollars and pounds and is a good average rate. The price for 100 BookPoints in dollars or pounds therefore depends on the current daily rate. As a rule, the following applies:
100 = just over $ 1 (currently $ 1.02)
100 = just under £ 1 (currently £ 0.85)
Once a month we make payments via Paypal. So we ask for some patience after announcing a payment request.